Teleporting and CPU speed?
I've got the weirdest issue with a friend's comp. I've been buying and tweaking the crap out of mobile AthlonXP chips for over a year now. I love 'em, though they aren't all that amazing anymore.
I picked one up for him. He has a nice MSI nForce2 Ultra 400 board that he'd had a 2500+ in for a while. I put the mobile in and let her rip at 2.4GHz. Flawless stability in Prime95, etc. Perfectly stable. So I loaded up Guild Wars. I get to watch people teleport all over the screen instead of animate! They don't walk, they appear from spot to spot lol.
I figured out that it was the CPU. By clocking it down to 2GHz it would be fine. I tried different video cards and a different network card. I even tried taking a stick of RAM out. Everything is running stock except the CPU. It's the strangest thing I've ever seen! After searching this forum I saw that many others were sort of seeing this issue too, but not with my same hardware situation.
Any of you know what causes this teleportation? My last guess is that Windows is somehow messed up or he has some evil software in the background... I didn't get around to a Windows reinstall but did reinstall chipset and video drivers. He has a Geforce 6600GT.